Public Art: Medallions (Juneau, Alaska) (2018)
Formline by Clarissa Rizal, Crystal Worl, and Alison Bremner
Lettering by Christy NaMee Eriksen
Metal Cutting by Adam Dimmitt
Project Manager: Rico Worl
Commissioned by the City and Borough of Juneau
Three medallion collaborations:
Haa Shuká text, with formline art by Clarissa Rizal (located at South Franklin and Ferry Way)
Haa Shuká text, with formline art by Alison Bremner (located at South Franklin and Front Street)
Haa Latseen text, with formline art by Crystal Worl (located at Front Street and Seward Street)
Local artists showcase talent as part of downtown revitalization
Downtown project revamps Front and Seward intersection